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This is a link to a site that contains a famous article on the medical aspects of Jesus' death.

Bible Gateway allows you to enter Scriptural chapter and verse references for any Bible book (e.g., John 3:16 or 1 Samuel 2:14-16, for instance) and it will return the entire text. You may choose from several different versions of the Bible such as King James Version, Revised Standard Version and others; here's the link to the New International Version (you can change your choice when you arrive there):
Bible Gateway

Here's the home page for our Diocese:
Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee

Sewanee has its own web site, too:
University of the South - Sewanee

Ever wondered about the lives of the Saints we commemorate? Find out more:
Patron Saints site

If you'd like to read the Daily Office, it's right here (complete with beautiful artwork and music):
Episcopal Daily Office

Here's a site with the Daily Lectionary:
Daily Lectionary

"Forward Day by Day" is a companion for many Episcopalians; here's the online version:
Forward Day by Day

The official home page of the Episcopal Church of the United States:

"Episcopal Life" is a newspaper that covers events in our Church; this is the online version:
"Episcopal Life" newspaper

Here's the home page for the Anglican Communion:
Anglican Communion Online

The name says it all:
Church of England home site

Episcopal News Services is the "Reuters" of our denomination:
Episcopal News Service

OREMUS (Latin for "let us pray") delivers a daily e-mail devotional complete with prayer, Psalms, Old and New Testament readings, even a hymn (with lyrics and a clickable sing-along music file your browser will play for you!):
Daily Devotional via E-Mail

The monks at St. John's Univ. in Minn. have commissioned a hand-created illuminated Bible. It is fascinating!
St. John's Bible

Below are two excellent resources are for print & out-of-print books in U.S. & Canada. Highly recommended by the Episcopal Divinity School Library in Cambridge, MA.

Online libraries--collections of books, written material, Bible studies, and literature.

In much of North America and Europe, the younger generations have little knowledge of the way Jesus, his person and teaching, and the way he has been understood, has shaped and reshaped so many key developments in art, science, politics, ideas, society, and culture. "Anno Domini: Jesus Through the Centuries" offers a beautiful opportunity to glimpse and consider this tap-root of culture and civilization.

The link below is intended to provide a short introduction to the major world religions as defined classically.

WORLD RELIGION RESOURCES - Provides over 125 links to other web sites devoted to all of the world's major (and some minor) religions.

An excellent web resource for Christian History, this site contains pointers to Internet-accessible files relating to the early church, including canonical documents, creeds, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and other historical texts relevant to church history.

If you have suggestions or requests for links to be added here, please send them via e-mail to Carl Swann.